Sunday 13 October 2024

72 micro-seasons 49

A pale sunbeam lights
purple clouds across the sea 
Storm rain drifting in

Dizzied by autumn colours in soft rain. Red, ochre, amber, russet, brown.

Undecided libra season: sometimes wet, windy and grey; sometimes dry, warm and bright. Wardrobe dilemmas.

Thick frost on the windscreen in a dark corner, while the rowan at the top of the drive blazes golden light in the morning sun.

Kippford in the gloaming ... a babble of curlews dip crescent moon beaks into lowtide mud - overhead a rush of Canada geese head west.

The Golden Hour

Here in Aberystwyth, on the wild west coast of Wales, the golden hour is particularly the summer the very late sunset makes for meandering strolls along the prom, late sea-swimming, dogs and dolphins (if we are lucky). In the winter the golden hour is for a brisk walk to watch the starlings in their swoops of murmuration coming home to roost under the pier before darkness descends. And in the liminal times of year, the golden hour is the time to bring in the wind-blown sheets, fill the log-basket, and think about cooking, as the students and workers dally home...

Tuesday 8 October 2024

72 micro-seasons 48

Silver-grey pigeons bask in the early sun on the slate rooftops

Clusters of sugar pink cyclamens are popping up under hedges, like tiny sherbert sweets.

After days of blue and glass the wind whips up and the sea is an angry broil of brown

Green branches shift and sift against rose-gold dawn

Early Valencia morning: dark chocolate mountains like cardboard against an apricot sky. Later, an eagle gliding.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

72 micro-seasons 47

Rites wheeling and crying in a storm-blue sky

Ardnish, Lochaber, and the deer come down off the ridge by night, leaving their calling cards by the bothy door ...

The delectable smell of wet, turned earth seeps through the hedgerow as the rumble of the tractor and plough make a turn.

Early morning sun lights the top of the fells lime green and yellow.

The light is clean, clear and thin in the woods after the rain. Everything is wet and still.

Friday 27 September 2024

72 micro-seasons 46

A cold wind blows in from the sea, and leaves autumn in its wake

The drizzle is so fine, I don't feel it on my face. Afterwards my clothes are damp.

I pick the last blackberries as a thousand geese honk and settle at the water’s edge like holidaymakers.

Down on the Solway the sand martins have left, a salty breeze blows through their empty riverbank residencies

A flush of wild chamomile and groundsel has greened up the tracks between the short, shorn stalks of wheat.

Sunday 22 September 2024

72 micro-seasons 45

After the harvest moon, a cool breeze gentles the cheek. The drift of feathers...

Swallows have packed up and gone but a creaking in the hot blue sky signals the return of the geese.

Long shadows cast in the sharp amber light of early morning.

Morning meditation is edging into the pre-dawn now. A full moon is reluctant to set.

Kit...In the cool light of a super moon a barn owl quarters the fields on milk-white wings

Tuesday 17 September 2024

72 micro-seasons 44...

Feeding among the barley stubble, startled pigeons scatter across the mackerel-sky

Sunlight twinkles silver on a haze of grass.

Trees and hedgerows darker green now and ragged at the edges. Sharp air.

The rusting creep of autumn in the chestnut trees.

In first-frost folds of fell, foxglove leaves are veined with threads of lace