Saturday 6 November 2021

Paws for thought

Here is a pic of Kitty's crossed front paws as she relaxes after her walk...
Why? Only because I came across a photo-challenge and, being a techno-wally, am unable to post my b&w pic of the day...

Thursday 4 November 2021

A poetry challenge... limber up and get me moving again!
The challenge, to take a hitherto unknown poem, use a few phrases, thoughts or ideas to write my own...

Here is Seamus Heaney:

STERN - in memory of Ted Hughes

‘And what was it like,’ I asked him,
‘Meeting Eliot?’
                     ‘When he looked at you,’
He said, ‘it was like standing on a quay
Watching the prow of the Queen Mary
Come towards you, very slowly.’
                     Now it seems
I’m standing on a pierhead watching him
All the while watching me as he rows out
And a wooden end-stopped stern
Labours and shimmers and dips,
Making no real headway.

And a quick version of my own:

SCAFFOLD - I met JA who had met JG

I  "so how was she?"
asked you, and you said
"like a monument, a monolith,
a cathedral shivered
when she spoke..."

And now it seems
I'm watching you afar,
undaunted build your own,
a rickety wooden fragile
church of dreams