Sunday 31 July 2022

31 July

Blackb'rries in the rain
glowing like promised jewels
the first of the year

Discarded feathers
glinting in my upturned palm
this same shining day

Tuesday 12 July 2022

' As I walked out...' 100 word prose-poem

Already the midsummer sun shimmers along the dusty track, my shadow a slender man in faded overalls and a wide-brimmed hat.

I ponder Steinbeck, Laurie Lee and Edward Thomas, for whom all roads led inevitably to France. And Frost, who couldn't persuade him to leave for America, his own two roads in a yellow wood, long he stood...

      The choices we make
       the shape of our walking
       and the roads we take

The day is too hot - my old dog pants beside me, the young one lolloping heedlessly ahead - until relief turns us down the dapple-cool seaward road home

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Taraloka haikus June 2022

Cold around my heart
blows the unsuspecting wind -
hold your loved ones close

Tenderly the rain
still my desert heart cries out
for amazement

All my senses stilled
entranced by the dragonfly
glancing on a leaf

Facing the west wind
I breathe the salty air of
my imagination

Still, again we sit
the 'mindfulness of birdsong'
scintillates the air

Disparate pilgrims
beneath the 'shivering' tree*
and the bluest sky.   
(*populus tremula)

my compass-needle judders
then rebalances

How shall I return
scattering tears like raindrops
from this dreaming land