Friday 5 October 2018



The wind blue up a hoolie in the night and I was out briefly with Evie who was restless...could NOT find Kitty this morning - toyed with the idea that she had, hearing the call of the wild, slipped out behind me, slid under the gate like some canine Flat Stanley and gone to join the wolves in the wood.
But no, she was IN bed in the attic...

The rain paused long enough for us to get a walk and for me to entertain the idea that a trip to M&S would be a Good Idea...I was given, (I want to say 'gifted' but that is a private joke between us) some vouchers recently and badly need some new, plain t-shirts.
That was a Big Mistake...what fresh hell...etc etc.
Came home with some, equally badly needed to be fair, handtowels.
And is it my imagination or are there rather a lot of yellow raincoats on the streets these days? Not so many 3" stilettos though...

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