Wednesday 15 April 2020

The Lock-Down Diaries Day 23

Today I walked the dog...

And, as usual, most of the highlights of the day occurred in that magic  time...

It was lovely again this morning...truly we have been blessed with the weather these last three weeks (it has not helped with the 'resealing-the-sitting-room-floor project' though I fear there will be plenty of time for that).

Kitty and I went up to the Promontory Walk first and looked down at the sparkling sea. There was one of those zig-zag lines of a different blue - I had been listening to something about adders earlier and serpent-dragons (nāga), and I wondered what treasures of knowledge and understanding might lie in the depths if we could watch for long enough...

Yesterday I listened to play (partly) about The Grey Man of the Cairngorms, by Sebastian Baczkiewicz (he who has written the fascinating 'Pilgrim' series) and I pondered myth as I walked, and what part of our psyche is touched so deeply by legend, myth and story, that is otherwise hidden behind our 21C masks...

And so into the woods - which were stunning today. In the space of just a few days they have been transformed and are utterly swathed in blue:

And the stunning almost lime-green of fresh beech leaves unfurling:

Coming home along the Promontory Walk, I took a detour to collect a rogue shiny balloon snagged in the gorse up the cliff ... so much more complicated  than the usual collecting of rubbish, as it had to be disposed of carefully when we got home, the clothes it had touched put into the washing machine and my trusty stick 'sanitised'!

That's my day then...lunch in the garden and a bit of playing with clay followed. And tonight I shall do a Skype call. Good grief...

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