Friday 24 April 2020

The Lock-Down Diaries Day 32

Today I walked the dog... 
having got up REALLY early, after waking from a truly horrid dream with a sudden jolt.
I won't revisit THAT one!

So out in the warmest of spring mornings, with sunshine, birdsong and earth that was swampy six weeks ago baked hard underfoot.
It was lovely and Kitty was well-behaved, even when we neared the trig-point field, which is now repopulated with sheep and lambkins.

Home to 'meet' my study- buddies - on Zoom, for the first time. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Which would have been hard, I admit.
Dragged kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century, me. A true Luddite, I get more and more like my Dad. He was good at justifying it too, though had less need, as peeps just tended to humour him...

Oh, I did a bit of desultory gardening...repotting bits and pieces, chucking out some dead things and potting-on my mighty oaks. And potted-up a sage cutting that had put out a few tentative roots...that should finish it off.

And today I have been mulling over the characters from the Neopolitan Quartet which I finished last night...why, with the violent, misogynist culture they were all  born into, did one or two of the group shine like gold, remain true, honest and generous humans?

Buddhist teaching calls it 'the gap'...that instant  - be it only a hair's breadth of time, or 'hare's breath' as I once saw it rather charmingly described - when, with self-awareness, we respond with creativity rather than react with our usual 'conditioned' response. The choice is always there - mindfulness, or awareness, gives us that split-second of time.

Still working on that one - I think it will be a lifetime's project...

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