Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Lock-Down Diaries Day 29

Today I walked the dog...
in a sort of hazy-daze, having been awake since 4.30 and up since 5.30!

It just happens sometimes doesn't it - even to me, who could usually sleep for England, Wales and the rest of the Six Nations, according to Alistair.

But there it was...woken at 4.30am, choreographing a doorstep dance with the soundtrack of Wonderful World.
And an uncomfortable feeling, still, of having unwittingly caused upset to a neighbour. Oh, I SO must learn to be more 'witting'!

Ho hum.
Off we went then, over the top of the golf-course in such glorious sunshine and that now familiar cool easterly breeze. Much to Kitty's joy I had remembered the tennis-ball, which gave her, as usual, five or six happy run-pick-it-up-bring-it-most-of-the-way-back moments, before she lost interest...

Down into the wood and around the top to meet Alistair at the 'VC's bridge'...he had cycled there by some energetic route, and we walked along the paths, drinking in the sight and scent of the bluebells at their best...

Oh, I had to go to the PO today, and get a few foodie bits in town...it is SO depressing to see all the little shops empty and locked, instead of getting all spruced up for the all-too-short summer trade...

And then we did a gym session in the sunny garden after lunch and drank tea in the afternoon...

Another day drifts past - a series of moments is all we have...
'Never before, never again'

And now we are watching 'A Month In the Country' which is one of those films, and books, which comes under the 'favourites, which no-one else has heard of' banner...
A very young and pre-fame Colin Firth and Kenneth Branagh, and the lovely late Natasha Richardson. Highly recommend...I have a delicious edition of the book too - 
from the tiny Quince Tree Press.

A Month in the Country is like Adlestrop in prose...

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