Thursday 30 April 2020

The Lock-Down Diaries Day 38

Today I walked the a muffled and eerie silence - did I say I've been having waxy ears when I wake, which sometimes take a few hours to clear?

Well, today they haven't really cleared at all, inspite of spending my morning meditation lying down with an olive-oil dripper in hand (failed to either clear my ears or meditate!)

So, out with the dog and moseyed around the cliffs and the golf-course, feeling as though my head was wrapped in a blanket. 
I know, hardly Coronavirus, but still!

Great, if somewhat muffled excitement of the day is that Son's flat-purchase in London completed today...yay! Unable to be with him of course to provide help, support, pizza or champagne...

So now I'm lying on the attic floor with ears full of olive oil.

I did manage to make a loaf though...

And the sun is going down rather beautifully...

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