Saturday 2 May 2020

The Lock-Down Diaries Day 40

Day Forty! How time flies when you are enjoying yourself!

Stone-deaf again today...I could get used to this. Nothing like a bit of silence...!

Actually, it is REALLY weird!

SO today I walked the was a hazy start, so Kitty and I went up to her field for a good roll in the grass (her, not me!) and then down into the woods to pick some wild garlic for the soup. Up and over the sheep-field and then home via chasing the tennis-ball around the golf-course for a few minutes.
Kitty is 'useless' at playing with a ball...but she has so much fun for a few minutes, that I just have to remember that 'useless' and 'playing' cannot go together!

Lunchtime random weekend-soup today turned out a fun colour:

This is what happens (well, happened today anyway) when you make soup with purple carrots, wild garlic and coconut milk.
I hasten to add that this is not some 'I'm bored with Lock-Down, let's create something silly and put it on YouTube' effort - random weekend-soup is pretty standard fare in the Thompson household...

My afternoon was quiet...poor Alistair will go crazy if I am longer-term deaf.
I am busy working out what a difference it makes to my life...bit like social-distancing in a way, I'm treating (or learning to treat, or trying to learn to treat)) all this as an opportunity to 'nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune'

For who ever knows, really, what the future will bring ...individually, nationally or globally ?

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