Friday 22 May 2020

The Lock-Down Diaries Day 60

Day 60! How can this even be so?

Today I walked the dog...but had already attempted to add a little extra wax to a well-worn patch of floor - only to nearly ruin last night's efforts as the wax was still tacky! A 'Man Friday' style footprint emerged as I tried desperately, wax in hand, both to rebalance and retreat!

Another beautiful day, sunny, but WINDY, which meant two things:
1) I didn't enjoy my walk so much, as I don't really like wind, I had forgotten my hat, and my fuzzy ears meant the sound resembled an express train in a tunnel...
2) Alistair was, dare I say it, almost grumpy...a very rare occurrence. Because of course it was a perfect windsurfing day and he still can't go...driving the ten or so miles north or south to the good beaches doesn't sit well with him.

So the day meandered on in a meandering sort of way - we tested my latest sourdough iteration (yum), sat in the garden drinking tea, did various emaily sorts of things...

Alistair tinkered with the gym rack; I washed some settee covers and rescued them when they threatened to blow away, finished my book:

(SO good!)

And waxed the bluebell dishes:

And my hearing suddenly improved!
This evening I can hear the wind roaring (and not just in my head) and Alistair speaking from more than two or three feet away...sssh.

And we are becoming, what do they call it? 'Preppers..'

Only joking!

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