Thursday 14 May 2020

The Lock-Down Diaries Day 52

Here we are then, day 52...and the significance? None...I am just fed up with writing this diary - this is all going on FAR longer than any of us expected in March...
When I wake in the morning, and remember, it's like :
'I want to go somewhere this isn't happening!'
It reminds me a bit of my old dad, in 2012, asking if we couldn't go away somewhere for a couple of weeks
 'to avoid the Olympics'
(Actually he died on the day of the opening ceremony. I thought at the time it was taking avoidance a bit far, though didn't like to say so!)

Today my ear isn't hurting and I have made sourdough rolls

done a VERY hard gym session and taken possession of yet more books from my new favourite online store:

And sympathised with Kitty...she doesn't know what earache is, but knows that if you lie on the hearth-rug you might get your ears fondled:

Please, if you are reading this, and want to read more, SAY so, one way or another, or I shall stop within a few days.

Oh, I nearly I walked the dog

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