Saturday 23 May 2020

The Lock-Down Diaries Day 61

Today I walked the dog...and we found yet another way to go up and around the golf-course...

It was windy again though, and COLD, so I didn't spend any more time outside, but did admin sort of stuff, put clean cushion covers back on, and generally pottered.

I did manage to open a new bag of clay, though, which was lovely and fresh - and impressed a dish with some lovely honeysuckle we had picked from the hedge on our way home

The trick will be to re-member the scent and texture of the morning, when it is translated into stone in a month or so.

I having been musing on walking meditations today, and on the differences and similarities between belief-systems. And on the meanings of the word 'present' - but I'll save that for tomorrow.

Oh and I am deaf. Again. The relief didn't last long...but at least it means the faculty of hearing isn't impaired - just shut-down temporarily.

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